Our PFZ crowns and bridges are an excellent alternative to PFM crowns. They are practically indestructible because of their high flexural strength of up to 1,450 MPa. They are also hypoallergenic and biocompatible. Crafted by layering porcelain over a zirconia substructure, they provide the durability of PFM crowns while reducing esthetic challenges, such as discoloration or the dark line that can appear along the gingiva. They require conventional cementation and are also a good option for ceramic veneers. Through the use of advanced CAD/CAM technology, they provide a consistently accurate fit. Due to zirconia's natural translucency, these crowns are warmer and provide excellent lifelike coloration when contrasted to their PFM counterparts.

Full-Contour Zirconia

Full-contour zirconia blends strength and esthetics for monolithic zirconia crown restorations. FCZ restorations are milled by our expert laboratory technicians on some of the most high-level CAD/CAM equipment in the industry. Full-contour zirconia offers the highest flexural strength of any ceramic restoration but is still gentle enough to protect bruxers' opposing dentition. Full-contour zirconia is indicated for posterior crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. It is an esthetic solution for bruxers and grinders when PFM metal occlusal/lingual or full-cast restorations are not desired or when patients lack the preparation space for a PFM or have broken a PFM in the past. Zirconia can also be used for anterior teeth with a facial veneer of porcelain for improved esthetics.


BruxZir Solid Zirconia is a strong and durable cementable restorative solution. It can be used in almost any clinical situation. These restorations provide an esthetic alternative to cast gold and metal occlusal PFMs. BruxZir can also be used for both the posterior and anterior. Its translucency and color is nearly identical to lifelike smiles. With complete color penetration, this restoration ensures greater shade uniformity and eliminates the risk of shade variation. Our BruxZir restorations are fabricated with expert precision so you can prescribe them confidently.

IPS e.max

This lithium disilicate glass-ceramic is the most beautiful all-ceramic option. IPS e.max® is highly customizable and can be crafted as a full-contour monolithic or cut-back and layered with porcelain. IPS e.max® offers minimally invasive restorations. This restoration provides lifelike esthetics due to four levels of transparency and is fracture-resistant with a durability of up to 500 MPa. The revolutionary lithium disilicate is 2.5 to 3 times stronger than other glass-ceramic options. This product also has additional impulse ingots for maximum flexibility. It is a reliable restorative solution that provides extreme beauty, longevity, and strength.


PFM is the timeless standard for dental restorations. These restorations are fabricated by fusing a layer of porcelain to an underlying layer of quality metal alloys. The enamel is bonded carefully to eliminate the chance of unsightly discoloration. The metal provides endurance and strength, which makes it a strong contender against crowns made from alternative materials. The porcelain provides the restored tooth with a lifelike look. These crowns are still a recommended option due to their high rate of clinical success and their biocompatibility that helps secure continued periodontal health. PFMs are also gentle on opposing teeth. The use of CAD/CAM technology allows our clinicians to fabricate this traditional solution with extreme precision.

Full Cast

Full cast crowns have been a longstanding favorite choice among dentists due to their clinical success, biocompatibility, ease of use, and endurance. Our lab employs state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technology to manufacture these crowns with excellent precision, consistent fit, and finish when compared with their traditionally crafted counterparts. We make our full cast crowns out of a variety of materials, including yellow gold, white gold, none-precious, semi-precious, and noble metals. They are durable yet gentle on opposing teeth and ensure ideal fit, form, and function for cases.


Protech Laboratories' team crafts our veneers out of IPS e.max, which ensures excellent strength and esthetics. These veneers offer a less intrusive solution than crowns and braces. They are connected to the surface of a patient's preexisting dentition and follow the contours of their teeth to provide a lifelike, cosmetic solution in cases of chipped, discolored, or gapped teeth.

PMMA Provisional

Our PMMA Provisionals offer stability and esthetics for a temporary corrective solution. This restoration is milled out of a solid block of PMMA. The provisional benefits from the material's translucency. The PMMA Provisionals from Protech Laboratories are available in 16 VITA® classical and bleached shades in both monocolor and multilayer options.

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